X-men with a twist

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" Ill come to " he said. " Okay....3.....2.....1..GO ". Jarod burst into the kitchen and rose his hand high in the air. A blue phase outlined his hand and suddenly pots and pans went flying at Josh. " Leave Lizzy ALONE " he said sending more after him.

Josh grew angry. "Look I just wanted a place to stay. But if you all are going to start threatening and attacking me, I'm going to fight back!" Josh transformed the microwave into a heat ray gun. He picked up the gun and fired at Jarod, knocking him uconsious and putting him onfire.
Lizzy was still having the same problem but she knew now what must be happening, this must be her talent and now it was developing she just wished that she had it under control!
Katie rolled her eyes " Dude I don't want to fight with you either I don't know how to use my powers yet," she told him, trying to clam down " Someone please tell me how to stop freezing things!," she yelled out.
Jarod lay on the floor. His head throbbed with pain. Stupid Powers he thought to himself. He realized he was now on fire. " KATIE...A LITTLE HELP HERE " he said pointing at his pants.
It started to calm as the room around her did too. the images and sound started to vanish and she started to become aware of what was happening around her. The first thing she realised is that the room was suddenly very cold. Then she looked up and saw Kaite standing next to her facing Josh.
She could hear them talking but couldnt make out exactly what they were saying.
She needed help so she managed to cough out, "Katie?"
She finely know how to use her powes the right ways " Oh, Jar what did you do now?," she said, putting out the fire " Yes Lizzy it's me were are you I can't see anything," she told her.
Jarod got up and faced Josh once more. His face was scarred and black smoke covered him. Raising his hand up towards the chandeleir he motioned it to fly towards josh. Most missed him but some cut his arm and jabbed his side. He then took cover again behind the countertop waiting for a reaction for Josh.
Lizzy stod then realised this was avery bad idea she was still week and her brain wasnt quite working yet and now standing up had coused a wave pf nausia to rush into her brain. Luckily she was standing right by the sink. she turned and thew up.
Katie froze the thing Jarod was throing " Stop!," she yelled out " I don't think he wants to hurt us," she told him.

Jarod looked at Katie. Josh was about to do somethng to her. Jarod screamed " LOOK OUT " and all of a sudden a force field formed around her. " Great..now I make forcefields " he said sighing. He ducked back under the cuboard again and peered out over.
Lizzy felt herself unfreeze but eveerythign around her was still still. She looked over at Katie her nausia gone.
Katies face was white and schocked
"Katie," said Lizzy walking over to her, "Katie are you alright, how did you do this, you must have stopped time."
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