"Besides if you carry on with all that stubborness, arrogance, and pride then you will lose your life", continued the man. "How dare you! You have no idea", growled Elijah infuriated, and with his sahtingan setting in. "That negativity and optimism will get you killed as well," continued the man. Saying nothing, Elijah sprinted forward to to strike the man with a sawnton strike, but he caught Elijah by the writ, before Elijah could strike. Furiously Elijah shook to get free, but the man's grasp was firm. Elijah then raised his free hand to strike the man, but the man caught it as well in a firm grasp. "First things first....we need to give those troublesome hand of your a rest", said the man, as Elijah struggled to get free. "Don't worry your arms will heall over time", he added then the man tightened his grip just a bit crushing the bones in Elijah's forearms and wrists. Elijah screamed in agonizing pain.