X-men with a twist

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"I'll charge in and use a grrage of kicks to keep him distracted, when you see an opening then go for the stick", he said, then dashed off toward emyrs. Once he reached him he start trowing kicks at Emy's, who was in tun dodging and blocking them with no problem.
Emyrs threw the stick up, and pushed Sana so hard that it sent her tubmling backward, and caught the stick with his left, and Kick Elijah, making him sprawl to the ground.
Emyrs teleported a few feet away from where he was. "Now now c'mon I know you guys can do better', he said with a grin. Elijah rushed at Emyrs, but he stepped aside before Elijah could hit hi. "How pathetic", he said with a laugh.
Sana took a deep breath willing herself not to lose her temper. She knew that if she lost it she would never get the stick. "Elijah!" She called. "Go low." She said as she lept high.
Emyrs quickly regained balance, and smoothly moved to the side making Sana crash to the ground in front of him. "Try again", he said with a hearty smile.
OOC: Elijah and Sana are training with Emyrs (Josh the Jesters character) Katie is still incapacitated. Emyrs gave her something to help with the pain. She's sleeping right now so GV is playing Carmen (Emyrs' sister) At the moment. I think that's it.

IC: Sana walked around Emyrs to Elijah. "Any ideas?"
"Take your time you two, I got all day", said Emyrs with smile. Elijah had his eyes eyes closed, and shook his head. "Nope....none whatsoever. Feel free to share any ideas.....if you have any that is," he told Sana.
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