Your Current Mood III

I love New York! I am going back to NY maybe this year or next year. You will have a blast Mags. Make sure you are going to visit the Empire state building and miss Liberty! If you will see E23th street, you will know where I stayed. You are going to love it there! Oww... don't forget Central park :D
^Awww, you guys are lucky. I've only been to NY once, and that was for a wedding in Brooklyn. And of course, I only live like an hour or two away from NY! :rolleyes:
this will be my first time in new york.
so far I've only been to chicago which I thought was huge, and my dad told me chicago is like a fraction of new york. I'm so excited!!
I have been in Chicago too but only at the airport as well. NYC was a very nice experience to me and I loved the people. In no way I have felt unsafe or bad. Your father is right Mags. NYC is very big!
I still feel really mad about that. And I still feel a little calmer when I think about them, but I'm also feeling a little relieved now. We've all gone through a lot, more than most people can imagine and the worst is now over. All there's left to it is building the walls that were torn down... It's going to be hard, but we've all been through worse.
I have been doing just fine.
jeez! no need to apologize! I was sure you had reasons for not being on as often and I wasn't worried. I'm very glad to hear your doing well, because you are still my sweet niece! :D :D
And my sweet soulsister!!!!! Yeah dani but they gave you responsibilities because you are worth it!!! Who wouldn't trust you?
I am in a good mood but I'm also a bit aware because of my dream :eek: I had a very clear dream someone (male) was very jealous :eek:
And my sweet soulsister!!!!! Yeah dani but they gave you responsibilities because you are worth it!!! Who wouldn't trust you?
I am in a good mood but I'm also a bit aware because of my dream I had a very clear dream someone (male) was very jealous


Glad to heard that your mood are great! Even, someone will be jealous on it :p

I'm still exciting ....though
I'm happy.....:DI solved almost all of my school problems, God is really great...:D I'm happy I am leveled up in TDL...:DI'm a senior member again. again? because I lost my another account which has 600+ posts...:D Oh don't get mad because I have two accounts, Specter permitted me...