Your Current Mood III


I'm kind of annoyed because my earbuds aren't working the way they should. *sigh* And I can't find my other pair, they've disappeared...
Really? My ears are just the right size. My sister's are too big though, lol - which is actually pretty funny since she's younger than me.
It's so stupid :D I bought a lot but none of them fit. They are too big for my ears so I have a thing which I can plug around my ear instead of putting it in it.
Having big ears must be a problem too :eek: You better stay lucky young lady or I change ears with you :D
How long must we sing this song
How long-long-long
Sunday bloody sunday
Sunday bloody sunday
Awesome song!!! Awesome voice and awesome music!

And the battle's yet begun
there's many lose but tell, me who has won?
the trenches dug within our hearts
and mother's, children, brother's, sister's torn apart

Sunday bloody sunday
sunday bloody sunday...

sorry you got me started,
I couldn't stop...
headacheeeeeeeeeeeee. HJSHGJSHGFJHDSF.
and my computer annoys me.
and the weather annoys me.
and it annoys me sjors isnt online. XD
hes prolly still asleep =/
and ive got an annoying song in my headdddd. >.<