fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 1, 2008 #1,882 happy but sick
M Mrs Gil-Galad Took New member Mar 1, 2008 #1,883 Tired (I felt asleep late) because of work and missed my sleep but happy when I think about yesterday
Tired (I felt asleep late) because of work and missed my sleep but happy when I think about yesterday
fernshirehobbit Fresh Bread? Staff member Knight of the Noble Order Mar 1, 2008 #1,884 you should pm me about yesterday
Lila New member Mar 1, 2008 #1,896 I'm in a poetry mood. And I'm also happy because my Star Wars ep. II soundtrack came today.
Lila New member Mar 1, 2008 #1,899 Sleepy, light-headed, calm, happy, anxious EDIT: I just realized... how is it possible to be calm and anxious at the same time?
Sleepy, light-headed, calm, happy, anxious EDIT: I just realized... how is it possible to be calm and anxious at the same time?
umbrellaxscenexcore New member Mar 1, 2008 #1,900 edgy..for no reason :S haha anxious and calm...not possible?