Your Current Mood III

I feel hideous. More hideous than usual. and i'm most afraid right now for dinner. *cries* What IS that?! she has CALF BRAIN cooking on that stove and she was dipping that same wooden spoon in the OTHEr dish WHCIH IS liver! OH God! please help me. i'm not even hungry.
she's like oh you read about this all the time thats what your people in twilight do all the time. and i was like no he doesn't (yes always thinking of him of course) which reminds me of the bestest sub in thw whole world was subbing for history for us, hes pratically our second teacher there since our teacher is absent 1/2 classes. i told him Edward doesnt drink animal blood but human blood after a bit of talking on the intro , well me introducing it and he's like "Well, thats not any better, you'll be sitting in a diner drinking soup while he'll have a bloody deer's leg on the table" I was like um no they go hunting and do their stuff and then come back. He's too cool I love him.
I'm feeling happier than ever! Odd actually. :p But you meet your bestest friends in the most unlikliest places, and I think I found this new best friend. :D