Your Current Mood IV

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I'm in a terrible mood (almost). I have so much homework, that I've been working since I got home from school and I'm still not finished. I have a presentation tomorrow, 2 tests, and a tournament on Saturday. SO MUCH STRESS! The only good thing is that my friend asked her friend if I could borrow Eclipse and her friend said yes and she's going to bring it to school tomorrow. :D
Two days left before I have weekend. Fortunately there isn't much to do so I can finish my other things like the big cleaning. And after this weekend................YEAH!
im proud of my bro. like.. so proud it makes me cry.
and im just so happy with my family.
i love them. <3

WHAHHAHAHA ive got pimmol [thts the drummer of makebelieve, a band i loveeee <3]'s phone numbaaahh. XD
I went to the mediamarkt and talked with the guy I liked before (Robbie) and I must say he is still very nice. No more butterflies but I like him as a friend. He knows I'm going to move.
yay ^

im happyyyy. ive got pimmoool [ja hij heet eigk gwoon pim hoor] on msn. XD [MAKEBELIEVE. WOOOOOOOOOT.]
No, Robbie has never done anything bad to me. There is no reason for me to ignore him because he never promised me anything ;) And he started to talk with me. No the other guy wasn't there. He is never at the store on Wednesdays. But I will see him friday again.
I'm so hyper! This song always makes me hyper and go crazy and think of him! And after what happened today at lunch... :rolleyes:
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