Your Current Mood IV

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Ik raak zo langzamerhand steeds meer en meer geirriteerd dat mijn moe nooit eens normaal kan reageren maar altijd als een paniekzaaister moet gillen en zo agressief wordt :mad: Als je maar even iets zegt flipt ze compleet zonder eens normaal na te denken en niet zo te gaan schelden en tieren..................Tjonge jonge!! :mad: I'm glad to leave home.
Nah, I was annoyed with my mother. She is so easily angry. If you say something normal and she doesn't understand she flips completely and start to yell, scream and curse....and believe me she can curse very badly :mad:
I believe she has calmed down again.
oh. i see.

im in a good mood but kinda annoyed since i must go to shcool in a few minutes and after that to work...
I feel good now. Everything seems to be fine again. Tonight I will put my living room posters behind glass. I must ask my brother if he will hang them up on the wall for me because he has the tools to do this. Unfortunately my brother doesn't answer his phone anymore and I have to drive to him to ask if he would come. Very annoying. Maybe he is tired of his friends calling him all the time and he doesn't answer the phone anymore (cell phone)
He never turns his cell phone on anymore. So when I call I will hear his voicemail directly but my brother never listens to his voicemail either :rolleyes: He is sooooo lazy and it's annoying. But I will get back on him. Frodo is my revenge :D
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