Your Current Mood IV

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bsdkfjbf. Realy mad and ticked off! Stop ruining my day! I know you guys aren't getting along at the moment but PLEASE don't get me involved in this.:mad: But otherwise I'm pretty happy. Sorta. In a way. =/
I'm not tired but I should go to sleep if I want to get up at 4... -.-' I also feel kind of lovesick. He looked so cute today. ^_^
Had a huge fight with my mom.....shes being immature....or maybe i am. not sure :confused::rolleyes: and im just bored and jittery waiting for PC to get here.....
I don't know how I feel; excited, amused, exasperated, unhappy, happy
tomorrow is the 8th grade dance. I am only going, however, to be there for my friend liz, who hates dances (like me), and to see my friend ben in a suit. *tries to contain laughter while picturing it*
MUSICALL!!! and happy because I'm thinking about this story... that's in my head... that I want to get on paper... lol
Pretty happy. What a happy fun filled day. :D But I'm tired too. =/ And I feel guilty for getting Aaron into so much trouble with our crazy Truth or Dare game. But it wasn't my fault. I wasn't the one who made him do that dare. :o
We were on the bus heading home and Yan dared him to go to the back of the bus and hug Wallace. So Aaron got up and hugged Wallace. Our teacher got SO mad. She's kinda creepy as it is... :rolleyes:
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