New member
I'm in an 80's music mood, and I, too, feel like dancing.
angry, annoyed, exasperated, Depressed, and hurt.
wonderful isn't it?
angry, annoyed, exasperated, Depressed, and hurt.
wonderful isn't it?
ohim sorry why???
my two younger cousins are being complete hopeless jerks. I have a blog, that is really only read by their family, where I post some of the things I like, mainly because they live so far away I want to let them know what I like. They're home schooled and younger so I didn't expect them to understand some of the things I liked, like the anime I like or some movies that were PG-13> but today they get on and leave comments that are blindly insulting all the things I'm interested in. I take that as a really really big insult to ME, and I'm actually in tears. I was so stupid to think they'd actually understand these things, but I even with that I never thought they'd be like this.
like what sort of things did they say (if its bad language lol you dont have to repeat it) and why dont they understand?
no it was nothing bad (language wise) they don't understand because they lived a very sheltered life, even for home schoolers. There parents never let them watch TV and they only get less than an hour of computer time, and most sites are blocked. There oldest son is my age but by what we've seen I am probably a lot older.
The two I'm talking about, Nina and Molly, were talking about how things looked "bad" and how I shouldn't be watching this or that or that this looks stupid or "that looks like the worst movie ever, why would I want to see that?!" (that one would be a direct quote, the movie in question was Moulin Rouge!) It's silly and stupid things but I just wish they could be a bit more open minded.
my two younger cousins are being complete hopeless jerks. I have a blog, that is really only read by their family, where I post some of the things I like, mainly because they live so far away I want to let them know what I like. They're home schooled and younger so I didn't expect them to understand some of the things I liked, like the anime I like or some movies that were PG-13> but today they get on and leave comments that are blindly insulting all the things I'm interested in. I take that as a really really big insult to ME, and I'm actually in tears. I was so stupid to think they'd actually understand these things, but I even with that I never thought they'd be like this.
*hugs again* I am soooo sorry. I've never had this sort of thing happen to me, but know exactly how I would feel. Probably feel the way you do. *hugs*
I kinda said; I thought you guys enjoyed my blog (because they said they did, more or less, over christmas break) but unless you can give me a reason to continue I'll stop posting. I really want to continue but if all I get is hate posts from you guys I don't see why I should put myself through this.
Thankies. I plan that my aunt will know soon enough. She reads my blog too, she'll get to see the comments they left, and know what they said, and my reaction. but I stil plan to mention it when I see them next.
I kinda hope they do. It's a sorta mean thing to wish but I think they deserve some punishment.
I feel less than hopeful. Much less.