Your Current Mood V

I lost my fear for the dentist when I was 17 years old. Fortunately my pain level is high so I won't feel pain easily :D They removed all four wisdom teeth 3 years ago. I have the same dentist since I was 6 or 7 years old.
Eww, I hate the dentist.

Right now, I'm pretty miserable. Even though I have a day off tomorrow, (:D) I have a cold and I have to walk the neighbor's dog... except she won't come when I call her! :mad: ugh!
Happy! I really like my new dentist! The hygenist was the sweetest person ever and my dentist was really funny. Nothing scary at all like my last one I was at :D:D YAY!

Still sick and icky feeling...maybe dancing tonight isnt the best idea...:(
Sad. I should be staying home tomorrow to get rid of this nasty virus that decided to take over my body, but I have an essay due and a test in English tomorrow. So I guess I will be going to school :( Ick for being sick.
Worried. Very worried. My mom is sick again, so I am going to convince her that it's a good idea for me to take a semester off to take care of things at home, and get more work. I'm trying to figure what would be less stressful for her - if I moved out and kept dropping by to help out, or if she would worry less if I stayed.
Worried. Very worried. My mom is sick again, so I am going to convince her that it's a good idea for me to take a semester off to take care of things at home, and get more work. I'm trying to figure what would be less stressful for her - if I moved out and kept dropping by to help out, or if she would worry less if I stayed.

aww, i'm sorry about that, i hope you make the right decisions!!

i'm actually very happy and relaxed right now... and a wee bit excited about moving into my new home tomorrow *hey* *finally*
Worried. Very worried. My mom is sick again, so I am going to convince her that it's a good idea for me to take a semester off to take care of things at home, and get more work. I'm trying to figure what would be less stressful for her - if I moved out and kept dropping by to help out, or if she would worry less if I stayed.

Awww.....take good care of your mom!

My mood is kinda mixed. I'm happy because I feel beloved by many great friends but I also feel kinda sad because I know my mom her situation will not improve.
GG-Took: On one hand, God can heal anyone. On the other hand, He makes use of suffering for our eternal good.

My first wife Mary was a saint of God...but she had just a couple of deeply-entrenched areas of sin that she WOULD NOT let go of. It took the long ordeal of her terminal cancer to pry her loose from them. Under the shadow of death, she FINALLY confessed those last lingering sins AS sins, and was RID OF THEM before she had to face God. I don't know what your mother's spiritual condition is, but her bodily condition may be something God is using to work on the secret needs of her spirit.'s a long story but I always had a different view on my mom than my siblings. But now I'm away and live on my own I see things I didn't see at the time. I will not say my mom was a bad mom but she should have taken care a bit more. But it's a long story. You know; the question which is going through my head is WHY. Last year she survived cancer and now this shows up....
My mom is a believer but she never told her real feelings towards God.