Your Current Mood V


Though I shouldn't be.

This week's moving too slow.
I hate getting together with my family.

My dad hates my boyfriend, for an unreasonable excuse.
It's true, people are afraid and abhore things that are out of the norm.
I'll never be normal, so bring on the hate.

My thanks to Q-Abby for her prayers.

Now, Amanda, you pose an interesting paradox:

You say to bring on the hate. Well, if I hate you, I _don't_ want you to be happy. If I don't want you to be happy, I must intend to act _contrary_ to your wishes. If I oppose your wishes, I must oppose your wish to be hated. So the way to _fulfill_ your wish to be hated, is to _thwart_ your wish to be hated. In brief, the logical way for me to hate you, is to _love_ you tenderly and affectionately.

So _suffer,_ kid: I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!
Seriously stressed out and having a great day!:) Whee! Although there should be a rule that you can't Christmas shop for parents with parents.:rolleyes: That was confusing.