You're Banned! II

Thou art banned, for thou didst not use the Tongue. Also, thou art banned because apparently I can actually ban people now.... :p
You're banned because you should really be a lot more scared of me. I can ban you and then eat you...

Thou art banned, for thou didst not use the Tongue. Also, thou art banned because apparently I can actually ban people now.... :p

That was my exact thought when I saw this thread had been resurrected. XD
I ban thee only for thy pandas, because thy use of the most noble Tongue doth bring tears unto mine eyes.
You're banned for having a crying dragon in your signature. Eustace makes me so sad every time I see him...

You're banned because you've already eaten me, GG and so that would cause a paradox.:p

Please, Mewsie. I've eaten the entire universe so many times. I eat paraodoxes for breakfast.
Thou'rt banned for not desiring reasoning behind thy reason. For law lieth behind the world, and reason oughtest to lie in accordance with law, and pie (mplf) oughtest to lie in accordance with reason.
You're banned because not only is my school out, but I graduated from it!:D

(Which is quite lovely, because due to all the snow days in my region of the world if I HADN'T been a senior this year I would have had to go to school until June 10th. Ah, poor underclassmen.:p)