You're Banned! II

You're banned because the fairy on your avatar isn't wearing a suspension cable to keep her from falling off the moon.
You're banned because your fairy isn't setting a good example for the smaller fairies that do need it.
You're banned for keeping dragons without a wildlife permit!!! (Yes, really! Send me $25 and I'll mail you a certificate suitable for framing and un-ban you...)
You're banned for putting glasses on the badger in your avatar...that's animal abuse and can result in a jail sentence...
You're banned because you're inside your computer.

Was it the "animal abuse" part you didn't understand?
You have a dragon in your signature graphic. They are an endangered species and if you want to own one you have to send me lots of money and chocolate chip cookies. :D
You're banned because I've never had your soup and therefore cannot objectively know whether it is "the best." I happen to miss my mother's...which has no unidentifiable gray blobs....