You're Banned!

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your banned because you wont be alive tomarrow! :eek:

EDIT. you are banned because your too nice to hang around us krazy people
your banned because you didnt understand....ben is going to die for those rude coments directed at me...Tess has to leave becasue she is too nice to be here...and Im banned because Im just going krazy!
Sir Benjamin the Lion said:
What was rude? Me saying you remind me of my bossy sister?

You're banned because this is getting hectic.

You're banned for actually using the banner I made for you.
Sir Benjamin the Lion said:
What you want me to remove it???
You're banned because you didn't think I would.

no way! *starts bragging*

you're banned because I feel like banning someone with my brilliant banning abilities *remembers that I am not a mod*
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