You're Banned!

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truelovewaits said:
that's not fair! it's not my fault i haven't been banned before! well ok! i guess i will leave since you banned me! you are banned for banning me!

Okay, but ye are banned, for banning me, for banning you... :D
candy girl said:
Your banned for going out with your cousin last night!
:eek: :D
Good one :p

You are banned for being mean to TheMachinst numerous times and being in "love" (as you people call those feelings that I can't experiance) with Danial Radcliff.
TheMachinist said:
:eek: :D
Good one :p

I bann myself for being mean to Candy Girl and not respecting her feelings and opinions and not at least liking Daniel Radcliff.

Thats more like it Thomas keep it up.
<(+_+)>HYPER<(+_+)> said:
You're banned for having the D Word in your siggy


Yup...looks like my work here is done *puts away plastic water gun*
You are banned for having daeth in your siggy.
you banned for to many of "_" in your username!

yours truly,
holyboy ;)
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I don't have any underscores in my signature...

EDIT: You might want to delete that post, Thomas, before I report you to Chakal and he comes over and sics a thousane insane badggers on you!
Everyone is banned for banning people who are already banned and are still banning banned people. And yall are double banned for banning those now banned people before i could ban anyone who hasn't been banned before. and i ban myself so anyone who is or isn't banned can't ban me, HA :confused:
Mar said:
your banned for having a really cute pic of will in your sig...NO MORE WILL I SAY.

Your banned because the circle next to your name is Green.

Have a nice day. :D
*Is obsessed with Will* said:
Your banned because the circle next to your name is Green.

Have a nice day. :D

*gasp* you're banned because...when you said capitalized it...THAT'S MY JOB! bwahahaha! know it
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