You're banned for writing post number 8,005....
your banned 'cause the Uruk-hai are hungry
You're banned because the First Mate was hungry....
You're banned because the First Mate was hungry....
your banned 'cause Fishy coulda been the Queen of Numenore if she'da played her cards right when I was evil
You're banned for even THINKING that Fish would be interested in you... (I'm just teasing!)
Yousah banned 'cause Twilight secretly had a crushy on Saruman but never admitted to it... (She'll kill me if ever she reads this...)
You're banned because...I hardly ever venture into this thread, so when I do I have to ban someone quickly and run away! And you're handy.
Pah. You're banned cuz you don't.
oh yeah?Well...your banned 'cause my army makes the U.S.' future army look obsolete.
You're banned 'cuz it doesn't make the Eldila look obsolete...