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In your new story-post you say: "It was with cautionary trepidation and apprehension that waylaid Hobo Ben...." But this line fails to say WHO DOES the "waylaying."
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Ahh..I meant himself. I shall change it, was just a fancy turn of phrase meaning he was hesitant in what he was doing.
Greetings from a creaky grandfather! If you are unsure how to advance through a topic thread, you use your cursor on a row of page numbers: -1-2-3-4-5-6-7-
“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the Great God and Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13)
Welcome aboard, says the Navy veteran! >You< should not divulge any information about yourself, but >I< am a seventy-something grandfather. If you're unsure about moving through topic threads, use your cursor on a row of page numbers: -1-2-3-4-5-6-
Hope (a.k.a. Wood Nymph) and I would appreciate your praying for a young Coloradan man who is far less able to bear his troubles bravely than you are to bear yours. I met Mike Ryan at the Renaissance Festival in August. Getting his contact information there, I've had on-and-off communication with him since then.
Sleepy Mouse
Sleepy Mouse
Wow. That's awesome that she met you! Not many people would have been willing to do such a thing as you've done.
God gradually prepped me for the new experience of pseudo-fatherhood. More about that later. Meanwhile, please pray that a serious mechanical problem with my van will be overcome. Public transportation IS NOT AN OPTION for Hope and me.
Sleepy Mouse
Sleepy Mouse
I'll pray. Still praying for Hope and Mike. I'm having car troubles as well. The rubber stripping around the doors has broken down and needs replacing. Not sure how to fix it. But now my car is mouldering and reeks of mildew. Fun.
Where you said that heels "rescinded," I believe you meant to say "resounded."
In "Empty Grave," you're doing well at making a scene come alive, like when the uncle shows his habit of saying to "pay no mind." Now, start looking more closely at sentence construction. AVOID split infinitives; "to politely bow" should be "to bow politely."
Well, I shall rectify this as best as possible. Thanks for setting me straight, maybe like I stated I am mostly doing this on the fly via post, I do not have time to look back and reflect if a certain sentence or phrase is as correct on my first posting.
Good story details made the scene "real." But pay attention to VERB TENSES. In the post which describes meal preparation, "It will convinced" is supposed to be FUTURE tense, thus no D at the end. "He still want" needs to be PAST tense. "Now you could see" needs to be "CAN see."
You don't need to explain to ME about the demands of life. If you're not aware of this already, I am the real-world guardian of "Wood Nymph;" and being a father-substitute for her is an EIGHT-days-a-week job.

Catching up on the Tirian story: if Baby Adinah can close her hand around Jill's FIGURE, Jill must be awfully thin.
I only just now got my laptop back from the shop, and ALREADY it is fighting bitterly AGAINST receiving charge in its battery.
Sleepy Mouse
Sleepy Mouse
That stinks! Can you replace the battery? You might be able to fo that. If I remember laptop batteries can be pricy but not wallet killing.
Turned out it was the power cable, not the internal battery. My laptop's okay now.

\\\ Oops, I already told you this in August.
Sleepy Mouse
Sleepy Mouse
LOL. No problem! Glad that the problem was solved. :D
Happy birthday, youngster! I can attest that NOT ONLY is there life after thirty, there's even life after seventy.
Mouse is in the house! Spent the morning doing research on YA books. And I'll tell you, it's a sheer. bloody travesty as to what goes for kids' literature now a days. Well, I guess it's time I brush the dust from my quill and paper and get to work. Maybe I can contribute something of worth to the YA literary world. It can't be any worse than the drivel out there anyway, can it?
I'm _finally_ back! It was the charging unit, not the internal battery, which most lately needed to be replaced.

You're so right about youth fiction. On the Y-A shelves in bookstores, 98 percent of covers depict an unbeatable super-chick, who leaps over mountains without even looking, and who _never_ needs help from anything male.
Sleepy Mouse
Sleepy Mouse
So tired of all these girls bosses. It's ridiculous. Along with all the unbridled vitriol, venom, and hatred that is constantly spewed out against men. There's a huge difference between a strong, confident woman who treats her male counterparts with decency and respect and the snarky, snotty, spoiled, self-centered she-man that has taken over books, tv, and movies.
Welcome aboard, says the Navy veteran! In case you haven't figured out how to navigate each specific topic, you use your cursor on a row of page numbers: --1--2--3--4--5--6--7--
Welcome aboard, says the Navy veteran! In case you haven't already figured out the scheme: the left column names the general sections, while the right column identifies which specific topics were most recently active.