New profile posts

Greetings from the oldest living male participant in Dancing Lawn! In case no one told you, each individual topic thread expects you to select page numbers with your cursor, like this: _1_|_2_|_3_|_4_|_5_|_6_
I invite you to look in the Writing Club for the story "Southward the Tigers." That story speculates on what the Calormenes' Earthly ancestry could have been.
Hello. I'm a retired Navy veteran, and the oldest male to be still active on Dancing Lawn. Are you clear on how to go from page to page within a topic?
Welcome from the seventy-year-old grandfather who is the oldest male still active on Dancing Lawn! In case you are unclear about our format, all topic threads use a paged format. You use your cursor on a strip of page numbers: _1_|_2_|_3_|_4_|_5_
Hello, always good to see someone joining! I am the oldest person still active on this forum, a seventy-year-old grandfather and U.S. Navy veteran. Has anyone told you how the forum sections work?
All the more a good thing that you joined. We've had a LOT of clueless teenagers participate here, who needed mentoring.
If you like novels, I invite you to enter the Writing Club, and check my story thread "The First Love of Alipang Havens": partly inspired by my first wife and me adopting an Asian child.
Spoiler: my Filipino hero's actual first love is his adoptive sister. No sex ever occurs between them, but their mutual emotional attachment helps them both to get ready for separate romantic ties.
Welcome aboard! I am a seventy-year-old U.S. Navy veteran and grandfather. Has anyone explained to you how to navigate the site?

On the starting page, the left-hand column names major sections; the right-hand column names recently-active topic threads. Every thread is in a paged format. Use your cursor on a little bar of page numbers:

If you have creative writing to offer, one way to share it is to post it in the "Writing Club" thread called "Marketplace of Technique."
I'm sorry to say that I'm not much a fan of heavy metal music (my parents laugh because I would rather listen to the stuff that they grew up listening to e.g. Carole King, The Bee Gees, Jim Croce than some of the music that is put out now.)
That's okay, just create a thread for the music YOU like.

And I love Jim Croce.
Mel Brooks shows more respect to heroes IN PARODIES, than Andrew Adamson showed to Peter Pevensie.

A woman urged me to write a story based on Spaceballs in Writing Club. I work from Spaceballs, actual Star Wars, DC and Marvel comics, Dune, Babylon Five, and Stephen King's Dark Tower. My theme: evil forces want us to GIVE UP on the idea of heroism.
If you find my short story "Hopecrushers of Dune" in the Writing Club, you'll get an idea of what is the evil which my heroes in the LONG story are fighting against.
Hello! Happy birthday to a young lady less than half my age!

If you haven't created any new threads which I failed to notice, I urge you TO create some new topic. This place is a lot friendlier than FALSE-book , and should be kept active.
Arielle Fayre
Arielle Fayre
Hi! Thank you, it has been a while since I was here last so I've been having a bit of a look around.
If you happen to like heavy-metal music, we even have a thread for that now.
Listening to the pattering of icy rain against a grey lit window.
I confess that I can't remember if I saw these remarks before; but they clearly bear a connection to the thoughts you more lately expressed. Be advised that Wood Nymph IS interested in correspondence.
Joined Oct 23, 2008? I know you were around a lot longer than that ;) you're still active! How you doing? (And is there maybe a different platform I can message you on, as I have difficulty checking in here consistently.) Miss you and hope you're well and healthy!
Hi Benisse!! Was feeling nostalgic and stopped by the old stomping grounds. How are you? I hope you are well. ❤️
Hi Pink 🐆 ! Am so sorry I missed you when you stopped by! Although the pandemic years have been heart-rendingly sad, divisive, and challenging, by God’s grace I am indeed well and at peace, with lots of fulfilling (and stretching) virtual and real life opportunities to volunteer, grow, learn, help others.
This week I am tackling some big projects that have been hanging over me for a while, so I am trusting on the Lord to see me through to completion (and resulting relief and joy!). Praying for wisdom and self discipline…
Hi friend! It's been a long time. I popped in here on a whim and am thinking back on all our fun times. I miss you, hope you are well, and hope we might be able to catch up soon!