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From the spelling of your last name, I guess that it is accented on the second syllable, thus: "Lid- ELL."

Five years ago, I met a (white) woman with a last name pronounced that way, only with two D's. Johnna Liddell pretended to fall in love with me, so that I would help with her family's monetary needs. The lesson "only" cost me four hundred bucks.
Dang, who's left? Prunaprismia of the Telmarines? Maybe the schoolgirl who said, "Miss Prizzle, there's a LION"? Aunt Letty? JADIS herself????
Hmmmm, well, I don't think I would call myself Sauron or Dracula or Palpatine; but perhaps you can MAKE the name "Jadis" mean something good.
I don't recall telling you my name.

I am Joseph Ravitts, with a long A. I was born on 28 December 1951. My patrilineal ancestry is Serbian, with some Welsh and German. On my mother's side, I'm descended from Emperor Charlemagne. But practically EVERYBODY with Western European blood is descended from Charlemagne someplace; that old goat really got around.
Eventually, Marcella took a more, um, positive attitude toward me for a while. Depending on how strictly we define "having sex," it was Marcella who took my virginity. But she still didn't want to marry me.
The man Marcella preferred never married her; but her mother once thanked me for having been good to Marcella. Around thirty years later, back in Cincinnati, Marcella passed away, from causes unknown to me. Not the only time in my life that I was put off by a woman who would have been better off with me. But I did finally score two for three in marriages.
And now my career is being an old fart. :alien:
Did you draw this picture? It has a manga-anime feel to it. I am the guardian of a young autistic woman who loves manga books.
I hope that your baby has arrived without mishap. And I hope you're finding time to read "Spacebullies Two."
I'll tell you something which I'm not generally shouting out on TDL. "Wood Nymph" is someone in my real-life life.

In June of 2018, a man who does cosplay with me introduced me to his cousin from Louisiana, a young woman who had recently lost both of her parents. Her mother had been good and loving, but the father had been mentally abusing her all her life.

Being a father and grandfather myself, I was able to earn Wood Nymph's confidence, and have been helping her to cope with life ever since.
Welcome to the Dancing Lawn, Wood Nymph! I hope you will find this forum a safe and stimulating place to grow and enjoy some fun.
Hello! I hope youre a real person, and not a bot. We're trying to rebuild active membership here.
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