C.S. Lewis Summer Conference Response!

I sent an e-mail to the C.S. Lewis Foundation for feedback on the C.S. Lewis Summer Conference at the University of San Diego: The Fantastic Worlds of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien. Here’s the incredible response from Marlon Davies, an intern at the Foundation:

The Conference went smashingly! It was truly a magnificent weekend of fellowship, good company and quality learning. I have included a link to an article from Dick Staub, one of our featured guests over the course of the weekend. It will give you a window into one person’s experience. DickStaub.com

Overall, we received excellent praise and feedback about all our guests, especially scholars Peter Kreeft and Joseph Pearce, actor Tony Lawton and music artist, Fernando Ortega.

The C.S. Lewis Foundation will be facilitating a number of things throughout the next year. However, everything will be working toward, in anticipation, OxBridge 2005. You can view the archives of the 2002 OxBridge conference “Time and Eternity” at our site. This is similar in nature to the recent San Diego conference, but larger. The theme of 2005 will be “The Good, the True, and the Beautiful”. Our site will be updated this summer will much more information on the event. [July 24-August 5, 2005: Oxbridge 2005 Summer Institute – “The Good, the True and the Beautiful”] Also, any other events coming up will also be updated quite soon online.

Most notable will be the C.S. Lewis tall ship cruise. A beautiful way to see the British Isles and learn more about Lewis and his life and writings. This is put on in partnership with 1st century voyages.

For more information, visit: C.S. Lewis Foundation
and NarniaFans’ Festivals page