IGN on the Chronicles of Narnia: LWW Game

To start, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe splits between 15 chapters, each of which will take the average player about 45 minutes to finish, according to Buena Vista. Each of these chapters boasts two clips from the film, one as an introduction to the chapter and the other as a debriefing of sorts.

Since the game mirrors the plot of the film, level progression is linear and there’s no hub system or open-ended aspect. Instead, players will play through a series of chapters highlighting key aspects in the story. The first two chapters, for example, take place in London during a bombing raid and also within the professor’s mansion, which holds the titular wardrobe.

The third chapter finds the four young siblings, Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy, stumbling into the wardrobe and into the frozen land of Narnia. In case you’re a little rusty on the story, it focuses on the aforementioned siblings as they travel through Narnia, a frozen fantasyland filled with talking animals, giants and other mythical beings. These creatures split between two opposing camps, one led by the evil White Witch who keeps Narnia in everlasting winter (without Christmas). The other camp follows Aslan, a noble lion and the true ruler of Narnia. Only problem being no one has seen Aslan in years. When the story begins, Narnia is abuzz with rumors of Aslan’s imminent return.

Like most action-adventure games, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe blends various play styles. Players will encounter a number of puzzles and action sequences as well as strategy and stealth elements. Heck, the game even packs in two driving sequences. That may sound like a funky distribution, but Buena Vista admits most of the game falls under the combat and puzzle categories, with puzzle solving generally taking a backseat to all-out action. The game is rated “T” for teen, which also implies The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is a combat-heavy title.

Each character in the game boasts different abilities and a player can switch dynamically between them. Peter, as the oldest, has the strongest physical attacks and is the first in the game to learn how to use a sword. Susan, the second oldest, can use a bow and arrow. Her little sister, Lucy, can ride certain animals and heal her siblings; where Edmund, the middle child, can climb obstacles and use a torch. Plus, every character can use nine power moves, each set unique to the character. One of Peter’s power movies, called Lion’s Leap, lets him crush enemies with a swing from his sword, while one of Lucy’s power moves let’s her use special healing potion she receives from Father Christmas.

Each level is designed to exploit each character in one way or another, so there’s a constant need to switch between fighter and healer, torchbearer and archer. One sequence, for example, requires a player to use the youngest (and therefore lightest) sibling, Lucy, to find a path across a frozen pond. Attempting to do so with any other character results in prompt hypothermia. Another section, where players run into a darkened cave, requires Edmund to light a path using a torch.

In yet another example, players will need to use Susan’s bow and arrow to ward off enemies at a distance while the other characters try to achieve an objective. And yes, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe features two-player co-op play. A second player can jump in at any point in the game and control any sibling not in use by the primary player.