C.S. Lewis and Narnia for Dummies

C.S. Lewis & Narnia For Dummies is a plain-English guide that provides a friendly introduction to the master storyteller and Christian apologist, revealing the meanings behind the The Chronicles of Narnia and The Screwtape Letters as well as his other works. You will also discover how his life influenced his writings, more about his friendship with Tolkien and the Inklings, and why Lewis went from being a confirmed atheist to a committed Christian and how he addressed his beliefs in his writings.

NarniaWeb is pleased to bring you three exclusive chapters from the just-released book Narnia and C.S. Lewis for Dummies, by Richard Wagner. You will need the free Acrobat Reader to see these exclusive chapters:

Chapter 6: Allegory and Symbolism: Deciphering the Chronicles

Chapter 8: The Gospel According to Aslan

Chapter 9: Faith and Discipleship in Narnia

Want to read more? Click here to purchase the book at Amazon.com for only $13.59!

About the Author
Richard Wagner is author of The Gospel Unplugged and several books in the For Dummies series, including Christianity For Dummies and Christian Prayer For Dummies. He is also publisher of Digitalwalk.com, a Web site for challenging and encouraging Christians living in a digital, postmodern age. Richard has been an avid student of C.S. Lewis’ work for over 20 years. He lives in Princeton, Massachusetts with his wife and three boys.