AICN: Ed’s Seen Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Who? Ed! If a guy named Ed sees it and signs off on it, then it’s a done deal. If you can’t trust Ed, then who can you trust? Ed’s everyman. Ed’s the average guy. And, like the headline says… Ed’s seen NARNIA:

Hey guys,

I attended what we were told by the producer of the movie was the first ever public screening of “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe” last Saturday. Before the Narnia fanboys attack me, I’ve only read one of the books in the series (TLTWTW) so my perspective is probably different from yours.

When I saw the trailer for the movie months ago, I wasn’t really sold on the talking animals. Some of the effects looked TOO clean if that makes any sense. They just looked like elements that could be so silly and absurd in a movie that they expect grownups to actually watch. But the CGI works light years better in the finished product. You completely buy into the Narnia universe, mainly because of the fantastic Mr. Tumnus who really comes alive as a character and not just a hoofed cartoon. Also, the CGI work on his legs is amazing; I found myself almost distracted by it (somewhat disturbingly), trying to figure out how they did it. Another questionable element from the trailer, the Beavers, managed to be a pleasant surprise. They add some humor (not in the Gimli falling off the horse way though). Also, the CGI on them was very good too.

[For the rest, visit Ain’t It Cool News (Warning: Language)]