Close Up: Kiwi at helm of Narnia

It would be fair to say that the New Zealand film industry is home to some of the most imaginative minds in the business. And this Christmas the international box office belongs to not one but two New Zealand directors.

Peter Jackson’s lifelong dream comes to fruition next week when King Kong premieres in New York.

While Shrek director Andrew Adamson gives us that magical C.S. Lewis classic, The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

“It’s always hard because you’ve seen it so many times by the time you finish…I am very proud of the film and I still find myself emotional at times…Particularly when I see it with an audience and see them responding to the emotional parts,” Adamson says.

The film is a huge flight of fancy, “particularly with the battle scenes” he says.

“C.S. Lewis wrote them so briefly and spent more time describing the meals than the battle and in some ways it was great as a director because it meant I could delve into my imagination and go back to my childhood and remember what I was imagining when I read them.

“In other cases it was a curse because it meant that everyone who had read the book, over 100 million people, they all had their own impression.”

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