Narnia… another missed opportunity for blinkered Belfast

The clock is counting down to the premiere of The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, the Hollywood blockbuster based on the Narnia chronicles written by Belfast’s own CS Lewis.

Like all the citizens of his native city, I’m waiting with bated breath for the plans Belfast has to cash in on the worldwide interest the film is bound to generate.

Other cities – and countries – have built entire tourist industries on much less.

A big screen showing of the movie in the grounds of City Hall for starters, perhaps?

People wandering the streets dressed as characters out of the fantasy tales?

Narnia education packs issued to all Northern Ireland schools to coincide with the movie release?

Longer term, a UK-wide campaign to raise awareness of Belfast as Lewis territory?

Eventually – but not too long off – a Narnia theme park? A major C S Lewis Visitor Centre bang in the middle of the city? How about a huge bronze statue of Aslan in Royal Avenue?

Or … nothing at all.

Just like the Titanic.

Another opportunity is about to be missed.

The only thing I’ve heard mentioned so far is a CS Lewis reading room in the library at Queen’s University.

Yep. That’ll pack them in.

By Gail Walker