Swinton’s Children Choose not to see The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Narnia star Tilda Swinton told yesterday how her children will snub the blockbuster movie.

Seven-year-old twins Honor and Xavier told the flame-haired actress they won’t be going to see her star as evil witch Jadis in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.

Tilda, 44, who lives with artist husband John Byrne in Nairn, said: “I don’t know why they don’t want to go. It may be because the film took me away from them so much.”

Their refusal to watch the movie, which hits UK cinemas on December 8, came as a surprise because they encouraged her to take the role.

She said: “I had never read any of the Narnia stories but, while reading them to my twins, they suggested I should play this nasty woman