The Daily Mail (UK) has a Narnia booklet today, including 3D pictures of cast members from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. More info to follow (I need to buy it).
The Daily Mail (UK) has a Narnia booklet today, including 3D pictures of cast members from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. More info to follow (I need to buy it).
The SONCINEMAD Organizer Committee has just announced some very important news about the Harry Gregson Williams’ Symphonic Concert for Orchestra and Choir, taking place in Madrid, Spain on the 30th June. […]
You can help The Chronicles of Narnia win the award for Best Book-to-Flick in the Teen Read Awards.
Here it is, the interview that many of you have been waiting for. Prince Caspian himself, Ben Barnes. He walked into the room and really ran the place. A totally cool and laid back guy, he was really easy to talk to. After the interview, Ben got a sword. One of the toy, Caspian swords, that makes a noise when you swing it. The first thing that he did when he got it: he swung it at my neck. He was very excited to finally have a sword, and whenever he walked around, he was swinging it, so that it would make the awesome slashing sounds. […]
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