Hope professor offers ‘Narnia’ lecture
With the film release a week away, a Hope College professor wants to help moviegoers understand the symbolism in C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia.” […]
With the film release a week away, a Hope College professor wants to help moviegoers understand the symbolism in C.S. Lewis’ “The Chronicles of Narnia.” […]
ComingSoon.net spoke to Adamson during his recent New York press jaunt for “Narnia.” Here are some highlights. […]
The online sportsbook and casino Sportsbook.com is offering Oscar Best Picture odds, with Disney’s The Chronicles of Narnia slipping to a 100-1 bet from the original 75-1. But despite being a long shot for any Oscars, there is a groundswell of interest in the Dec. 9 release of The Chronicles of Narnia, the film version of C.S. Lewis’ classic story. […]
Author CS Lewis may have ended up writing the evergreen Narnia series of books at Oxford, he was born and bred in Belfast, and the city is set to celebrate its most famous novelist with a 10-day festival. […]
XtraMSN has interviewed The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe director Andrew Adamson talks about making the film in his native New Zealand. It is a 13-minute audio interview. […]
TheOneNetwork.com has posted six new clips from The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Major spoilers! (Windows Media Player required). […]
NarniaWeb recently had the opportunity to interview Brian Sibley who is responsible for the dramatization of the BBC Audio Book versions of the Chronicles of Narnia. We asked Brian some questions about the upcoming film and we trust you’ll enjoy his answers and insight. […]
Fans of the C.S.Lewis book series “The Chronicles of Narnia” are already buzzing about the premiere of the film, ‘The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe”. Members of two faiths are using the premiere as a way of continuing to “bridge the religious divide” in our state. […]
As you will be aware, the much awaited retelling of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is due for release this coming December. To celebrate this event, New Zealand Post is bringing out an exciting range of collectable memorabilia that will take you on the set with the cast of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. […]
Last week, IGN FilmForce had a special treat for Narnia fans: The Anatomy of a Minotaur, a detailed look at Otmin the Minotaur. Today, courtesy of Walt Disney Pictures, Walden Media, and the Weta Workshop, we have another special exclusive treat for you: a detailed look at Oreius the Centaur, from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. From Oreius’s two-handed swords to his bow to his armor and his overall look, we cover everything you need to know about Narnia’s Centaur. […]
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