Screwtape Letters coming to theatres?
Producer Ralph Winter (X-Men, Fantastic Four) is in talks with the C.S. Lewis estate about bringing The Screwtape Letters to the big screen. […]
Producer Ralph Winter (X-Men, Fantastic Four) is in talks with the C.S. Lewis estate about bringing The Screwtape Letters to the big screen. […]
Here’s another report from the BIOLA Media Conference! This one features some new information that previous reports may not have mentioned. Really great stuff! […]
The big news of the Biola Media Conference is that Brian Cox is no longer doing the voice of Aslan! Apparently he has lost some weight and his voice has changed. UPDATE Brian left the […]
The Biola Media Conference was held today, April 23rd and the 90% completed trailer was previewed for the attendees. The next paragraph is a complete run-down of the trailer (with lots of spoilers) from NarniaWebber glumPuddle whose sister attended the conference. […]
I was surfing the web for a while, looking for possible leads on who is playing the role of the Adult Susan in the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, and came across the name of an actress with no role attached to her name. However, I have a hunch that she is playing the adult version of Susan, because of her similar looks to Anna Popplewell, who plays the younger Susan in the film. […]
Sources in the production have confirmed that Rachael Henley, the older sister of Georgie (playing young Lucy) has been chosen to play the adult Lucy in film version of The Lion, the Witch, and the […]
The Official Narnia website, Narnia.com, has updated the entire site into a flash based site, with information about the cast and crew, all sorts of new production artwork, Wallpapers, AIM Buddy Icons, and a new video: Behind the Magic 3: Locations and Sets! The video features some pre-visualization of the epic battle at the end of the film! […]
From a list of games to be showcased at this year’s E3, Buena Vista Games will debut “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.” If anyone reading this attends and would like to write up something about the Narnia game, e-mail us! […]
Featuring Rick Dempsey and Ned Lott of Disney Character Voices along with Mark Joseph of MJM Entertainment and special consultant for Walden Media will be hosting the segment The Chronicles of Narnia: The Collaborative Nature of the Filmmaking Process. Premiering clips from: The Chronicles of Narnia – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe […]
Michael Flaherty, President of Walden Media, was interviewed by CCM in the February edition of CCM magazine. […]
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