Meet Shane Rangi (General Otmin) at StarCon or Collectormania Gmex

Shane RangiShane Rangi wanted us to tell you, so that you could meet him at StarCon this weekend in Belium, or Collectormania G-Mex in Manchester the next weekend. Here are the details:

New StarCon in Belgium is playing host to many guest stars this weekend. Three of which are from The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe: Shane Rangi, who played General Otmin in the film will be there; Sala Baker, who was a stunt man in Narnia and also played Sauron in the Lord of the Rings, as well as Kiran Shah, who played Ginarrbrik.

[Click here for more information about New StarCon]

Collectormania G-Mex in Manchester, on Saturday, February 11th and Sunday, February 12th, 2006: Meet Shane Rangi, Sala Baker, Kiran Shah, Annalise Morris, Reuben Dejong and Sean Francis. Annalise Morris played a Boggle, Reuben Dejong played one of the giants, and Sean Francis played a Cyclops in the film.

[Click here for more information about Collectormania Gmex]

[Our Shane Rangi page here at]
[Our General Otmin page]