The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe DVD Special Features

In Spring 2006, you can choose between two DVDs. A single disc release will have two commentaries (Andrew Adamson and his technical crew, and Andrew Adamson with the kids), a pop up fact track (created in conjunction with the C.S. Lewis estate) and a menu/screen saver with scenes of the production. The two disc set has all that plus a second disc of bonus features, housed in a case that looks like the wardrobe. Disc two’s menu actually lets you walk through the wardrobe as you select extras.

Narnia Techies Get Personal on DVD: “Cinematic Storytellers” are personal video diaries kept by the film’s key production members. The segment previewed features the film’s editor in his house discussing a personal photos of his father that was used in production as the photo Edmund recovers while his house is being bombed.

DVD Through a Child’s Eye: “The Children’s Magical Journey” is a “making of” feature focusing on the young actors’ experiences, many of them first timers, on a movie set. The segment previewed shows a blindfolded Georgie Henley discovering the sets of Narnia for the first time, and presents how those reactions ended up in the film.

Narnia DVD Will Be Cool as Ice: “Anatomy of a Scene” details the creation of the melting river scene. See the water tank enclosed in a blue screen as the kids hold onto their prop ice raft while a giant vat of water empties onto them. Also see how the miniatures and practical sets came together to create the sequence.

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Thanks to Narnia Spy Fred for the report