Warning, this basically spoils the story for those that haven’t seen it. But if you have read it or seen it, you’re okay to read on. It’s pretty cool. Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is ranked at number four on their list:
Who dies: It’s the only actually religious-themed entry in this list — Aslan, the lion king and Christ figure who led the land of Narnia in rebellion against the White Witch and sacrificed himself to save a bratty British kid named Edmund.
How he’s resurrected: It involves a prophesy and the fact that Aslan’s heart was pure when he was killed, etc.
What he does once undead: He goes around breathing his sacred breath on Narnians who have fallen in battle and brings them back to life. It’s like halitosis, only good.
Why you’ve gotta see it: Regardless of whether you dig the Christian allegories, the special effects are something to be seen and the story is timeless. Plus, talking beavers are always funny.
[For more, check out Movies.com]
Thanks to ‘Holyboy’ for pointing this story out to us!