Patrick Kake Attending Supanova in Brisbane, Collectormania in Manchester

OreiusPatrick Kake has an invitation for all of you Narnia Fans. He will be attending Supanova in Brisbane, and Collectormania in Manchester and he wants to meet you! Here’s his e-mail:

I wanted to let you and the fans of LWW know that I will be attending the Supanova convention at the RNA show grounds, Gregory Terrace, Brisbane, Australia on the 21st to the 23rd of April. Also I will be attending the Collectormania convention at Milton Keyes Manchester England from the 28th of April through to the 1st of May.

I will be the only ”Narnian” at both of the mentioned conventions so Narnia fans come along and support the head of Aslan’s army ”General Oreius.”

Richard Taylor and Weta collectables who will be attending the Brisbane convention have very kindly gifted me an Oreius statue which I will be bringing with me to both conventions. I will also be giving away a weta collectable A1 size signed poster [right] to a lucky fan at the London convention. Weta has told there are only around 25 of them in circulation. All you need to do to win this is get a Oreius signature from me and your name and contact number will go into a draw which will be drawn at the end of the convention.

At the conventions I will reveal some of the Oreius dialogue that didnt make the final draft script and of course, I will tell you about my wonderful experience working on The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe.

So come on Narnian fans come and say hi.

[Our Exclusive interview with Patrick Kake]

And don’t forget: Shane Rangi (General Otmin) will be at The Elf Fantasy Fair on Saturday the 22nd and Sunday 23rd of April.

[Elf Fantasy Fair Details]