Vote for “White Witch” in Halloween Costume Contest
Vote for the White Witch. Or at least a child dressed up as the White Witch. At last, it’s time to vote for your favorites in Cinematical’s 2nd Annual Halloween Costume Contest. […]
Vote for the White Witch. Or at least a child dressed up as the White Witch. At last, it’s time to vote for your favorites in Cinematical’s 2nd Annual Halloween Costume Contest. […]
Neil Christians and Darth Sparhawk both sent us e-mails to get this up on the site. You can now vote for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe for the BAFTA Kids’ Vote! Winners will be announced on November 26th at a ceremony in London. […]
Nominations in an additional three international categories at the upcoming Australian Film Institute Awards were announced Monday by AFI president James Hewison. […]
This week, host John Burkitt (EveningStar) swaps news and views with Colin Edson of New Zealand (Monkeh). We speculate about the announced opening date of Walden Media’s Prince Caspian (2008). […]
Tilda Swinton, the actress that portrayed the White Witch in The Lion The Witch and the Wardrobe, celebrates her birthday today. Swinton turns 46 today. […]
William Moseley, the actor that played Peter in first Chronicles of Narnia movie, has been nominated by CBBC newsround in their poll of, “Fave celeb.” This week, Mosely is running against Alex Pettyfer, Billie Piper, Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. Click on the link below to vote for Will! […]
The idea of a “left wing” and “right wing” in politics and society is a fluid one, subject to a lot of confusion. You can’t understand liberals unless you know what they want to liberate, and you can’t understand conservatives unless you know what they want to conserve….It may help us toward clarity if I attempt, presupposing what I think to be reasonable modern definitions of the left and right, to identify some places in The Chronicles Of Narnia where C.S. Lewis expressed sometimes liberal ideas, and sometimes conservative ones. […]
We’ve just posted the fourteenth edition of the NarniaFans Mailbag. We’ve answered three letters this week, covering how we get the news, extended edition, and context eligibility. Keep those e-mails coming!
NarniaFans Spy Daniel has sent us word that Prince Caspian indeed has a release date set. This is huge news that hasn’t made the major entertainment press. […]
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