Narnia Fans Mailbag #23

Q: Happy New Year to every Narnia Fan out there! I just have a very random (and probably stupid) question. Just out of interest, are you planning to change the layout of this year to give it a fresh new start? Sorry I had to ask that. Not that this layout sucks, cause it’s fantastic, but I was wondering if you were going to put up something fresh! Thanks!
Ps: I’m soo upset because the extended edition didnt come out in Australia and I really wanted to see it. Oh well.


A: Hello Nellie! Yes, we are planning a new layout. It’s a matter of getting new artwork for Prince Caspian, and getting the inspired design that is the right way to move in. We want to make sure that we have the right one, before we launch it. That, and we’re working on a new design system. Hopefully it can be done without a hitch, but we’ll see. Needless to say, it’ll probably be a little while before the new design is ready. We’ve got a lot to do behind the scenes first.

Q: Hi everyone at Narniafans, hope you had a great Christmas and a happy new year too you all. I was just wondering what exactly can we expect in the Narnia four disc special edition? Like what are the extended scenes of? that sort of thing. Hope to hear from you
bye for now

-Jason Fotheringham

A: Lots of stuff. Just check the DVD page for more information. There are numerous extended scenes. I’ve been so busy with work that I’ve not yet had the chance to finish my in-depth review. I may not even get a chance to finish that, but here’s hoping.

Q: Hey, Im glad to see that the mailbag’s still up! I have a quick opinion question. (I know many people have very strong sides when it comes to this, but…) Do you think that Will and Anna are an item or if they like like each other based on what you’ve seen and heard? Thanks!

-Marie H.

A: I don’t think so. It’s not really my business.

Q: Hey Paul, I was wondering, if they do The Horse and His Boy, will James Mcavoy return??? I know it is a tiny part in the book, but I still think it would be cool for him to be Mr. Tumnus again.


A: I’m going to answer this in the same way that I answered the question about Tilda Swinton in last week’s mailbag. Based on the filming schedule of the Narnia series, it seems that it could be about seven or eight years until we see any work done on The Horse and His Boy. When that time comes, we’ll know more. I do believe that his contract was for only one film. It is possible that he may return, but it is much too early to know his schedule, and interest at that point.

And that’s it for Mailbag #23!