NarniaFansCast – Episode 28 and 29

NarniaFansCast – Episode 29
Host John Burkitt is joined by Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) to discuss a couple of book questions and a movie question. Also, the Byron on Wells story “Discovering Names”.

There is only one news story this time, but it’s a real corker. How would YOU like to own the wardrobe from Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe? If you have a courageous heart and a deep pocket, perhaps you can!
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NarniaFansCast – Episode 28
We’re back! Host John Burkitt (EveningStar) is joined by Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) for quite a lot of movie news on Prince Caspian, a book question and an original Bard’s Tale story.
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