Damián Alcázar Cast as Lord Sopespian in Prince Caspian
Damián Alcázar will be playing Lord Sopespian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. […]
Damián Alcázar will be playing Lord Sopespian in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. […]
Author Kit Whitfield’s debut novel “Bareback” is going to be produced by Warner Brothers under the watchful eyes of producer Graham King and director Andrew Adamson. […]
Here is a video from the set of Prince Caspian featuring what looks like Georgie Henley (Lucy Pevensie) with slightly longer hair. She’ll be reprising her role from The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe in 2008’s Prince Caspian. […]
They then showed an impressive production reel for The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian, which will open on May 16, 2008, including concept art for the sequel’s new characters and soundbites from director Andrew Adamson and make-up FX supervisor Howard Berger, talking about the differences with the sequel and how they’ll get a chance to show how the different creatures fight, and there was accompanying battle pre-vis to demonstrate what they meant. […]
Sergio Castellitto has been cast as King Miraz in Prince Caspian. He recently lent his voice to Arthur and the Invisibles. […]
We’re back with two episodes (including one released last week that you might have missed)! Host John Burkitt (EveningStar) is joined by Roger Thomas (PrinceOfTheWest) for quite a lot of movie news on Prince Caspian, a book question and an original Bard’s Tale story. Also, how would YOU like to own the wardrobe from Lion, Witch and the Wardrobe? […]
Thought that this might be of interest to you. A small auction hall in upstate NY is going to auction off on Sat, March 17th at 1:00 pm the one-of-a-kind handcrafted Narnia Wardrobe! […]
Disney is shooting the second Narnia movie in the Czech Republic April – July. We need English speaking men between the age of 30-50, who are good horse riders and who look Spanish. Acting experience is helpful. Thirty days of work during the shoot period. Candidates should reside in or near Prague. […]
Director Neil Burger (The Illusionist) had been in talks to direct Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but it appears that talks may have either fallen through, or he just decided to go with another project entirely that would be filmed at the same time. […]
Would you like the White Witch to read you a bedtime story?
That is what Tilda Swinton is offering in a celebrity charity auction for the Macmillan Cancer Support. Swinton has offered to read one lucky child from London or Scotland a bedtime story of their choice. […]
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