Voyage of the Dawn Treader: Pushed Back a Year

It appears that The Voyage of the Dawn Treader may have just been pushed a year back. The word comes from Box Office Mojo, and is followed up by with this.

On the heels of yesterday’s awesome Prince Caspian poster, Walt Disney Pictures has pushed back The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader from May 1, 2009 to May 7, 2010.

They’ve filled Dawn Treader‘s previous May 1, 2009 slot with the Jerry Bruckheimer-produced live-action/CGI family feature G-Force. If you’re wondering just what G-Force is: it follows a group of intelligent animal commandos working for a government agency trying to prevent an evil billionaire from taking over the world.

We’ve confirmed it with Disney, and it is absolutely true that it will be released on May 7, 2010.

Official Statement: In consideration of the challenging schedules for our young actors, Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media have chosen to delay the start of production for “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” until summer 2008. The new release date for this highly anticipated third entry in the “Narnia” series will now be May 7, 2010.

Does this mean that the final product will be better? I don’t know if it will benefit from this push in the way that we hope. There are a couple reasons why it may not.

For one thing, it would drive up the production cost. More time means more money. A lengthier shoot means spending more on the film. I heard somewhere that a low cost day would be around $25,00-$50,000. And that is being conservative with the numbers.

CG may look the same
Regardless of how much more time they have, they’re going to make it as realistic as they can. Sure, technology will get better, become more advanced, but we’re seeing CG hit superb levels of realism that we’ve never imagined possible.

I’m sure that Walden and Disney are going to do everything they can to make this as spectacular a film as we’ve ever seen, and they’ll spare no expense in doing so, but I think we need to take a step back and realize that, regardless of time, they wouldn’t have given us any less than the great film that we’re going to see. I hope that it is a better film, but we’d only know for sure if we got a 2009 release, followed by a 2010 release of the same film. Then we could compare both products.


  1. Regardless of the production date, I wish Disney would reconsider and release the Narnia movies around Christmastime. I think you would get a larger audience. If ever there were a series meant for Christmas, the Narnia series is it.

  2. I heard on a Christian radio station news brief that Disney has broken with Walden Media over Dawn treader and Walden is looking for someone else to help them continue the stories. According to the report, Disney was upset about the lack of money Prince Caspian made and a few alterations that they wanted made to the story line because they were too Christian. I keep trying to find out if all of this is indeed true and keep praying that it isn’t as I believe these are wonderful stories and need so much to be finished. I have been excitedly looking forward to seeing the whole series on the big screen and sharing this excitement with my students as we read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe every year. It would be such a tragedy to leave these stories undone for the big screen.

  3. this date for this comfirmada production???

    because disney was leaving to filming The Chronicles of Narnia the voyage of dawn treader, so earlier this year, it was reported that the filming will be carried out by Walden Media and centuary fox,and the production was announced the date when is release and the date is December 10 2010.

  4. I am FREAKING out about this. Like I am a biggest fan of Narnia. I read the whole series about 3 times. I have a feeling that this movie will be a blast.

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