Prince Caspian Footage featuring Reepicheep at BNAT9
If the animation comes out right, he could be one of those truly wonderful characters that folks can fall in love with. […]
If the animation comes out right, he could be one of those truly wonderful characters that folks can fall in love with. […]
Ben, 26, had no equestrian skills when he won the role of dashing Prince Caspian in the rollicking follow-up to The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe. […]
Please note the following in this issue of the C.S. Lewis Society Update (12/05/07):
1. "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian": New Movie Trailer
2. Other Films: "Beowulf" and "The Golden Compass"
3. Christianity vs. Atheism Debate Video: Dinesh D’Souza vs. Daniel Dennett
4. The next meeting of the C.S. Lewis Society Bay Area Book Club
5. New Book: "Planet Narnia," by Michael Ward
6. Other Events
Aslan is clearly on the move on the world wide web as the official trailer for Prince Caspian continues to roar it’s way on-line.From main stream websites, to blogs, the preview of next installment in the series is stirring up a storm.
Redland Shire Council this week revealed Disney Pictures was interested in using Cleveland Point or Wellington Point in its production of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, which is expected to be filmed next year. […]
In an effort to reward the faithful fans, who have been the biggest champions of the Narnia movies, Disney has orchestrated a simultaneous, fan-driven launch of the trailer on all Narnia fan sites — from Narnia Web and Narnia Fans, to all Narnia groups on social media communities like Facebook and MySpace. […]
I’ve been in talks with Play Along Toys about their upcoming line of highly detailed Prince Caspian action figures. They told me they were going to add Narnia to their website in December, and they will be adding a new preview figure to the site every week or so until the movie arrives! […]
NarniaFans.com is proud to be among the sites presenting the world premiere of the trailer for The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian! We have the trailer in the best quality available: Quicktime. […]
Clodsley Shovel e-mailed to let us know: A preview of Prince Caspian was shown at 7:10 ET on Tuesday December 4 on Entertainment Tonight, just after the interview with Nicholas Cage about the Disney movie National Treasure: Book of Secrets. […]
Moreton Bay may be transformed into the mythical land of Narnia next year after film crews scouted the Redlands for a new movie location. […]
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