Month: January 2008

Prince Caspian to top Indiana Jones, says L.A. Times
“Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” vs. “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” […]

Disney’s Magical Blu-ray Tour features The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
Following overwhelming consumer and media response of Blu-ray technology being the leading format of choice for home entertainment – Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment and Panasonic Electronics today announce the official extension of Disney’s Magical Blu-ray Tour to visit seven additional North American cities in 2008. The announcement was made by Bob Chapek, president of Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment. […]

Tumnus’s Bookshelf: The NarniaFans Book Reviews: Inside Narnia
Welcome to Tumnus’s Book Shelf where we review any and all books related to Narnia and CS Lewis! For this weeks review, we will be looking at Devin Brown’s
Inside Narnia

radionz.co.nz Talks to Richard Taylor
From radionz.co.nz: Head of Weta Workshop Richard Taylor on his busy year.
There’s quick mention that they worked on Prince Caspian, but nothing really new. It is interesting, though.

Foundation of Children’s Books: Prince Caspian Footage Update
‘Molly’ writes: I went to the Randy Testa (Walden Media) talk tonight at Boston College entitled “Building Bridges between Books and Movies.” […]

Through Joy & Beyond: The Making of the first CS Lewis Documentary
Bob O’ Donnell is a filmmaker, broadcaster (he produced “Unshackled,” the longest running radio drama on the planet!) & actor who created the first documentary (and many say the best) of C.S. Lewis. […]

USA Today: British newcomer Barnes talks Prince Caspian, Dawn Treader
The graduate of London’s Kingston University can’t believe he’s playing the main character from one of his favorite childhood tales. […]

USA Today: Peter Dinklage is big on dwarf role in ‘Caspian’
Peter Dinklage has steadfastly avoided the sorts of roles that Hollywood tends to offer an adult actor who is 4-foot-5. Anna Popplewell also talks about her role in this film as well. […]

Foundation of Children’s Books: See Prince Caspian Clips
As part of the Conversations with…Author/Illustrator Series, Randy Testa will be showing clips from Walden Media’s films as wells as preview clips from Prince Caspian. No word on what clips will be shown. This is available only to members of the Foundation of Children’s Books, however. Here are details. […]