Blind children have a roaring time in Narnia

It’s a visual spectacular, but that did not stop 300 blind and partially-sighted children enjoying the delights of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. The Royal National Institute for the Blind brought the youngsters to a special performance of the CS Lewis classic being staged at the West Yorkshire Playhouse in Leeds.

The children met and interacted with the characters from the magical world of Narnia, including the White Witch, Aslan the lion, Mr and Mrs Beaver and the four evacuated children – all of whom were in full costume.

They then experienced the wonder of the production. On a special headset provided by FT Audio Visual they listened to a live narration of the stunning set and all the action on stage.

The show runs until February 2. Call 0113 213 7700 for tickets or go online at

[Hear the Article at the Yorkshire Evening Post website]