Voyage of the Dawn Treader Filming Pushed to November? -UPDATED

The same article in Variety mentions the start of shooting for the third film in the series: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. It seems that the WGA strike has in fact pushed the start of filming from the summer into the fall of this year. Filming was originally scheduled to begin around June, and now it appears that production will ramp up in November.

There’s a bit of a typo in the article, though, as it targets the films release in May of 2009. However, as most of us know, the films release has already been scheduled for May 7, 2010. I’ve contacted the author of the article to inform her of the correction.

Johnson is also shepherding the third “Narnia” adaptation, “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” After being stymied by the WGA strike, it’s scheduled to start filming in November for a May 2009 release. “As long as the Narnia movies keep succeeding and I don’t make a big mistake,” Johnson says, “I will continue doing them.”

UPDATE: I’ve gotten in touch with the folks at Disney, who have confirmed that the dates given in the article are incorrect. Filming is still set to begin in the summer for a May 2010 release.