Cinema Judge takes you Behind the Scenes of Prince Caspian
Cinema Judge wants to take you behind the scenes of Prince Caspian. They’ve just posted a 22-minute-long video on YouTube. Take some time to watch the video below. […]
Cinema Judge wants to take you behind the scenes of Prince Caspian. They’ve just posted a 22-minute-long video on YouTube. Take some time to watch the video below. […]
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian Will Screen to an Audience of 10,000 at the O2 Arena, London’s Premier Entertainment Venue, on June 19th in Support of Great Ormond Street Hospital […]
We were there as well, but you’ll have to wait for our full report. In the meantime, here are some clips from their vantage point along the red carpet. […]
In “Prince Caspian,” C.S. Lewis’s four Pevensie children return to Narnia older and wiser, applying lessons learned during their first trip through the wardrobe. The same applies to animator/director Andrew Adamson, who made his live-action debut with “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe” and now builds upon that experience for the sequel. Here are the five principles that guided the helmer through his return visit. […]
BOOM director Brandon Dickerson has just completed the latest Switchfoot music video for the band s new release “This Is Home.” The song was written exclusively for Disney’s highly anticipated feature release of “Prince Caspian” in theaters May 17th. […]
The Italian premiere of Disney’s “The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian” will be the opening film at the first Fiuggi Family Festival, organizers announced Tuesday. […]
The comedian David Williams plays Bulgy Bear in the big-screen adaptation of C.S Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. […]
The timeless and fascinating Narnia series has been captivating fans and collectors for over 50 years, and on May 16th Walt Disney Pictures and Walden Media are bringing the world of Narnia back to the big screen with the release of The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian. In conjunction with the film release, Disney Consumer Products announces an all new exciting product line which focuses on quality and authenticity. The toy range has impressive detail and industry leading points of articulation and features. […]
The Trades is giving away a Prince Caspian poster and t-shirt! They write: Everything you know is about to change forever. But one thing is for sure: somebody’s going to get this poster, and be able to wear this stylin’ t-shirt! […]
ComingSoon.net interviewed producer Mark Johnson about the future of Narnia, and during the interview they spoke about Dawn Treader and possible 3-D Narnia films. […]
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