Along with the official press release from Disney, I have gathered some further information of Prince Caspian’s DVD and Blu-ray release on December 2.
I work at a Suncoast store at a mall near my house, and my manager, who knows I’m a NarniaFan and that I write for this site, told me personally about the news. Along with the BluRay and single disc edition of the film, there will be a three disc “special edition” DVD.
I did some digging around to find what the special features would be and managed to locate a complete list from TheHDRoom.com. Here is a look at the bonus features included on the BluRay edition will be:
Disc 1:
Audio Commentary with Director Andrew Adamson
BD-Live (Blu-ray exclusive)
Circle-Vision Interactive: Creating the Castle Raid (Blu-ray exclusive)
Disc 2:
The Bloopers of Narnia
Deleted Scenes
Inside Narnia: The Adventure Returns
Sets of Narnia: A Classic Comes to Life
Big Movies Comes to a Small Town
Previsualizing Narnia
Talking Animals and Walking Trees: The Magical World of Narnia
Secrets of the Duel
Becoming Trumpkin
Warwick Davis: The Man Behind Nikabrik
Disc 3:
DisneyFile Digital Copy.
Special features for the three disc edition of the DVD will be the same as on BluRay except where other wise indicated.
From the sounds of it, there might not be a Prince Caspian Extended Edition like with the first film. Unlike the Lord of the Rings, in which they had to cut a significant ammounts of footage for theaters, and thus providing fans with acompletly “different” film, it was not so with LWW. Seeing as a good portion of what may have been cut was more Susan/Caspian material,I doubt any of us would want that reinstated. If we hear otherwise, you can count on NarniaFans to break the story.
It should be noted that this release date is an improvement over the “rumored” release date for the DVD of Nov. 25. The rumored date would have pit Prince Caspian against two big family oriented movies: Dreamworks Kung Fu Panda and Disney and Pixar’s Wall-E which would have made for some very stiff competition, esepcailly from families buying the DVD’s. This current date only pits it against one big juggernaut, The Dark Knight.
So NarniaFans, mark the date on your calenders and remember if you want the DVD, just make sure to specify which version you want when you ask Father Christmas for it.
There just HAS to be a Collector’s DVD Gift Set that contains “THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA: PRINCE CASPIAN FOUR-DISC EXTENDED EDITION”! It’s a no-brainer!!!! The mere fact that Prince Caspian supposedly did not do so well at the box office does NOT mean audiences were less interested in this film! NO WAY!!!!! It means that the success of THE LION, THE WITCH AND THE WARDROBE Collector’s DVD Gift Set made some fans decide to simply wait until the next gift set comes out. Theater viewing is becoming less dignified anyway, with the audience being subjected to a bunch of dumb commercials before the trailers begin, just so the casual viewers can laugh their socks off at every little thing that’s shown. I mean where’s the respect? Yes, I did see Prince Caspian in the theaters. Four times, actually. However, Peter Jackson and Andrew Adamson have raised the standards of DVDs so significantly with their elusive Gift Sets, that anyone who says Prince Caspian a financial failure should consider the fact that Narnia fans have come to EXPECT further gift sets. The only thing is, if I were helming the Narnia series, I would have laid out a plan from the very beginning, a drawing of ALL SEVEN Narnia films in a gift set, such as the color scheme and palette for the Digipak cases and the gift boxes. I would use it as constant reference to show every member of the cast and crew what the finished product would look like.
I agree. But I can’t find it anywhere at the moment.
Yeah I also agree with that as well, besides if Disney and Walden Media had made all Seven Chronicles then I see why that all makes perfect sense.But now its not Disney and Walden media,its Fox and Walden Media. Which only makes things worse. Because now 2 of the Chronicles of Narnia movies were made by Disney worse under a completely different Director. Now it 3-7 is going to be made under Fox and Walden. The 3rd has already been made now there in the process ( so I ve heard) of Talking about making Narnia 4. Plus since a producer of the movies died they have to replace him with someone else. Plus there hoping by easter to have a boxed set of the first movies and the third so that a Trilogy may come out. Will just have to wait and see.