Concept Designer Norman Walsh says Dawn Treader ‘plug pulled’?

A concept designer was interviewed about his work on Inkheart, and in the process he mentions that he had been hired as a concept artist for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader.

“After Inkheart I got on to the Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, but it fell through. They pulled the plug on it. We were on our way to Malta, we had or bags packed and all when we heard the news. I’d never been abroad on a movie before either.

“That’s just the nature of the business. It’s up and down the whole time. Work happens in bursts and when you’re working you earn quite a lot of money,” said Norman.

I’m not sure that is the whole story, as production still seems to be moving forward. Last I had heard, they were planning on shooting The Voyage of the Dawn Treader on location all over the world. Malta was one of the countries that would have had scenes shot. However, budget cuts have been made due to the under-performing Prince Caspian, causing the investors to worry if Dawn Treader will have legs.

From what I understand, though: after The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader is most fans favorite adventure in Narnia. Mine is The Last Battle, so I hope we get to that one.

But anyway, don’t get too alarmed by this story. It’s just that they have decided not to film in Malta. They’re still filming in Mexico and New Zealand, at the very least.


  1. I hope thats all! I think they would have said something if they had really “pulled the plug”.

  2. Perhaps. But if we do want to see more Narnia on the screen I suggest that we start praying for it, very hard.

  3. I think this could all be a good thing. Now that they don’t have an endless supply of money, they will have to think very carefully about each step. Michael Apted is used to much smaller budgets. Amazing Grace was made for under $30 million. Apted could have that and let the FX people have the rest! 🙂

  4. Well perhaps that so Mark…. I loved Amazing Grace!
    But… do you really think that the epic scope of Jack’s Narnia can be capture for $30mil? Think about it! One of the others maybe, but Dawn Treader? It has so much involved! Think about it we have… what, seven islands? Don’t forget Reep is in the whole thing. What about the Dufflepuds?
    I profoundly appreciate your optimisim, but I think we need a bit more than $30mil for this particular film. 🙂
    (Then again, I’ve been wrong before!)

  5. VDT will be made, just not for $200 million like PC. Probaly will be closer to $100-125 million. But that is not a bad thing. Some sequels with smaller budgets were better movies than even the original. The only one that comes to mind right now is Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan; it’s budget was only about 1/4 the first big-screen Star Trek and was a much better film.

    This statement probably refers to this particular loaction or it was just a temporary move. But the rumors won’t go away until filming actually begins, that’s for sure!

  6. I’ve been watching Caspian and it’s a great film. I think everyone already agrees that they gave Caspian the worst release date ever. I remember the first time I heard that the film would have a summer release. I thought it was a terrible idea. Then, when I found out it would be between Indy and Iron Man I was at a loss for words. Christmas time is perfect for Narnia and fantasy films. Instead Walden Media gave the Christmas slot to The Water Horse (Domestic Total Gross: $40,412,817).

    Now it seems like they are taking all the wrong lessons from Caspian by skimping on budget. They should spend the money, not cheap out on locations, and give the film a Christmas release.

    A lot of people I’ve talked to don’t even know that Caspian came out. It was totally lost in the shuffle.

  7. I read somewhere that after Prince Caspian didn’t make as much as expected, the budget for Dawn Treader was cut to $200 million. I do hope they make Dawn Treader, it was my number 1 favourite out of the books.

  8. Prince Caspifan, I totally share your frusteration! Days after the release I was talking to people that didn’t even know that PC was out, of course I informed them, but the damage was already done. They should definately keep Narnia as a Christmas release!

  9. NarnianPrincess~Alaina, I know. I really think it is wrong to fault the budget, actors or director for the box office. Prince Caspian gets better and better for me with repeated viewing and I think that Voyage of the Dawn Treader deserves the same support that Prince Caspian received.

    They should worry about cuts after Dawn Treader so they can at least finish the Pevensie trilogy strong and with equal quality.

  10. I actually think that Dawn Treader even has the potential to be a better movie entirely. Especially if they don’t mess up the script or the release date. 🙂 There is just so much more that you can do with that book as opposed to PC. I think they did a great job for the material they had to work with. If they just hadn’t messed up the release date!

  11. Adamson has just about ruined any chances of their being a VODT. We just watched PC on Blu Ray. It was even worse this time around. Nothing like the book! Peter and PC fighting! How incredibly STUPID. PC and Susan with a teenager crush! Ridiculous! Just plain ridiculous. Biggest letdown? Not nearly enough Aslan! I cringed when watching the Shreck-like silly humor and shallow lines that were laced throughout the anorexic dialogue.

    Mr. Apted, if it works out that you are so blessed as to complete this project, please sir, RESCUE NARNIA!

  12. Release date had little or nothing to do with Caspian’s failure at the box office. Had it been true to “NARNIA” it would have been successful. Adamson and crew gave Narnia an UNEEDED MAKEOVER and turned C.S. Lewis’ Narnia into something totally unrecognizable. If VODT is going to be more of the same, then “PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE MOVIE!”

  13. They should get Peter Jackson to do the “Magician’s Nephew”.

    I’m not optimistic about the movie version of Drawn Treader being a vehicle to get the Narnia series moving on. After all, there really is no plot to it. It’s just a visit from one island to another, with different adventures. Rather boring actually. It’s my least favorite book. Anyway, I’d truly love for all of the books to make it to the movies.

  14. Feel free to publish my previous 2 e-mails. Roger, I agree that Peter Jackson would be great. However, I disagree that Dawn Treader has “no plot to it” and “is just a visit from one island to another with different adventures.” LOTR was not much different really, eg. lots of walking, lots of engaging dialogue (sorely missing in PC) and riveting adventures throughout. DT could be a very inspiring and entertaining film if it does what PC didn’t do – namely, follow the book a bit more closely. I do agree that Magicians Nephew would make a good movie, but only if they let Aslan be Aslan and if they stop trying to make the girls into some type of modern day feminist “warriors.”

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