A low-quality picture of the “Voyage of the Dawn Treader” logo is posted in an entry on the Jim Hill Media blog.
Check out the entry here. The VDT logo appears about half way down the page. It’s very similar to the original logos for both The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and Prince Caspian, which is great considering the change in production studio.
According to Jim Hill’s blog, 20th Century Fox is trying to get companies and t-shirt makers excited about Dawn Treader. This picture comes from the Licensing International Expo 2009.
How sure are we that this is an “official” logo?
Are you really that skeptical? how else would they get the font they used for “Narnia”? i know, atleast on my computer, i can’t get that font. though i wish i could. i’m just happy there’s a logo out that looks official.
That’s not the answer I was hoping for. As Mike says in his report, this is a “low-quality picture.” I certainly hope this is not a sign of things to come. If 20th Century Fox is marketing with this sort of junk, then I am not encouraged.
My skepticism, Narniachick, was that anything official could be so poorly done. Anyone with a little skill and Photoshop would be able to easily produce such a logo. The Jim Hill site does not say this is an official logo; it just says “Photo by Jim Hill.” Most of the other pictures on the page credit the company that own it. Why do they not so credit this one?
So, my question still is, is this an official logo or not? If so, what was the source, and why wasn’t it credited?
It’s actually a photograph taken by Jim Hill at the Licensing Expo. I’m not sure what sort of camera he used, but it didn’t take a very good picture. Perhaps 20th Century Fox will be willing to furnish a better quality image of whatever he took a picture of.
Do you know for a fact that this was taken at by Jim Hill at the Expo? How do you know? It doesn’t look like any of the other pictures that were taken there. The web page does not say the picture was taken there; it just credits the picture to Jim Hill. That’s all I can go on.
It might sound like I’m being cynical; I’m not. I have just learned that it pays to error on the side of caution.
See Mike’s comment below. I also have not known Jim Hill to make stuff up. He is well known around Disney for sometime’s embellishing on things, but overall he doesn’t tend to include things superfluously.
you know, there are low quality and high quality pics. it could also just be part of the logo and not all of it. or it could be a trial logo. sorry, but i think you also need to think of other possibilites.
Oops. I meant to reply to Paul’s post below.
It’s being shopped around by 20th Century Fox at the Licensing International Expo 2009. I don’t think it could be more official than the studio shopping it around.
See my response above.
That logo does look official and I’m glad there’s out. 😀
I’m so happy that they’re using the same logo for the third movie!!!
I don’t care if it’s official or not.
It looks so cool and makes me happy!!!
They’re finally filming my favourite book!
Pretty cool; I’m so glad it’s out!
Just to review, the top of the page reads “Jim Hill shares some shots that he took while wandering the aisles at Mandalay Bay’s convention center.” I’ve followed his blog for some time and doubt he would fabricate a Narnia logo.
Yes, but that does not come closer to answering any of my questions. Certainly not all of the pictures on that page were taken at the Expo. I did not say he fabricated it, but he does not give proper credit as he does the Dreamworks pictures, which are obviously shots of some kind of display. The Chipmunk pictures, on the other hand, look like they were downloaded from an official source, and NOT taken at the Expo.
The Dawn Treader picture is unique in that it is not credited, nor does it look like the other pictures obviously taken at the Expo. Look how perfectly square it is. None of the other pictures are like that (except the Chipmunk pics). I am not saying that Jim Hill made it up, nor can I find a match on the Internet that would indicate it is fan-created. But, my observations and reservations are still valid, and nothing anyone has said here has shown me otherwise.
Here’s something I would call an official verification of that being an official image.
From Variety: High-profile pics being pushed at this year’s Licensing Show were Sony’s fourth “Spider-Man” and “Smurfs,” WB’s “Jonah Hex,” U’s toon “Despicable Me,” Fox’s “Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Squeakquel” and “Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,” DreamWorks Animation’s “How to Train Your Dragon,” and Disney’s “Toy Story 3,” “Tron” and “Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time.”
Thanks, Paul.
Here’s the link to the article if anyone is interested: http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118004915.html?categoryid=18&cs=1
I am still rather perplexed at how Jim Hill handled this–why the picture is not credited as the property of 20th Century Fox or Walden Media. And I’m sure that Fox did not intend for the image (assuming it was there) to be distributed to the public, but was only used to garner the interest of the marketers attending the Expo (which would perhaps explain the lack of quality). Wasn’t it Jim Hill who released the LWW logo early?
Plus, “high profile pics” seems to mean “high profile movies,” and does not really refer to the logo. Your characterization that this is “an official verification of that being an official image” is quite a stretch.
Whats that saying? “If it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, chances are it’s a …. “
Nah, usually it’s a duck.
Your logic completely escapes me. Does this poor-quality logo look like an “official logo?” I certainly hope that this is not the type of quality Fox is going to use in its ad campaign!
But, even putting that aside, am I then to take every fan-created picture out there as “official” if it “looks like a duck?” I think not.
If you have a logical argument or evidence to present, then present it. These insipid non-arguments are absurd. You are setting up silly straw men.
Please read closely what I have said. I never stated that I am sure this “logo” was not official or that it was not at the Expo. I have no way of knowing if either is the case, and apparently neither does anyone who has replied thus far. But, I have raised some legitimate questions about the source of this photo that have not been addressed. Not all that glitters is gold.
Sheesh. What do they teach in schools nowadays? Apparently not logic. :o(
Mark, you may be well-advised to step back and put this in perspective. We are here talking about a photograph of what looks to be the logo for “Voyage of the Dawn Treader.” Because it is a photograph of another image, its quality will necessarily be less than that of the original.
Nevertheless, it is merely a picture. We are not debating logical form, inductive or deductive reasoning, or the like. If that is your desire, surely there are more important objects to which your energies (and time) could be directed. Your bellicose approach here–invoking charged terms as “insipid” and “absurd”–and heavy skepticism seem oddly out of place.
I have read your posts carefully. And perhaps you should return the favor: I never said this logo was “official.”
This will be my last post to this topic. I will not even reply to the accusations in the last post. I will let the reader judge from what is printed. If anything I said was offensive, I apologize.
I do invite you to read my views about this on Hollywood Jesus. Hopefully by reading it you will know why this is so important to me. Here is the link: http://live.hollywoodjesus.com/?p=4108
Wow!! Can’t wait for “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader”!
What is font “The Voyage of the Dawn Treader” Please