We’ve got a picture of the Dawn Treader, which is currently being built at Cleveland Point in Australia. It’s a beautiful ship that I look forward to seeing in action. It’s still incomplete, but it’s really getting close. Check out the detailing on the side of it.
Large, dark wood panels with elaborate golden swirls are taking shape on the far end of Cleveland Point as the set construction gets under way for filming of The Dawn Treader, the next instalment of the Chronicles of Narnia films.
Although most of Cleveland Point reserve is still fully accessible for picnics and the playground and green space opened for temporary parking, the best view of our local Hollywood set is with a glass of wine in hand at The Lighthouse Restaurant, which will be open throughout the whole Narnia experience.With the cast to arrive for filming in September, The Lighthouse owner and manager Tim Varitimos said the atmosphere had been buzzing with speculation.
“It’s an added attraction for the kids, as well as the parents. They come down to our beautiful bay and have a good look at what’s going on,” he said.
“Initially we were a bit concerned that the production might encroach on our space, but we’ve got plenty of extra parking to compensate for the land they’re using and our customers are loving combining a great meal here with hearing the latest on what’s going on with the film.”
It’s a beautiful ship as described by C.S. Lewis in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader book: “It was a picture of a ship – a ship sailing straight towards you. Her prow was gilded and shaped like the head of a dragon with wide-open mouth. She had only one mast and one large, square sail which was a rich purple. The sides of the ship – what you could see of them where the gilded wings of the dragon ended-were green.”
aaahh!! this is so exciting!! i’m re-reading The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and i can’t wait for the movie!!
The article goes on the say that the cast will be at Cleveland Point in September. I assume most of the filming of scenes on the ship will be done at the Warner Roadside Studios on the Gold Coast using partial mock-ups.
I sit here waiting looking at my book. I turn to the page with the picture in the bedroom. One day I will be drawn into Narnia to go on the voyage to Aslan’s Country. Thanks for the updates. It will soon be here.
For now I wait and take glimpes of the picture and wander.
Oh my gosh; that is so cool!!!!!!!!!!!!The ship really looks beautiful; I can’t wait to see it on screeen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is great news… I posted the link to BaysideBulletin’s website on my site… http://www.voyagefornarnia.webs.com
that’s great news, I can not wait to see the movie, I love The Chronicles of Narnia, the homepage is very good, sigan asi. good bye 🙂
The picture is so teeny… But it’s still awesome! 🙂
WOW!!! thats so cool! I wish i could ride in there and join Prince Caspian, Edmund, Lucy, Eustace and all of the characters to their adventure! Im so excited to see the film! ^^,
it is cool i love it have fun doing the movie bye
Yay!! It really is coming along well. Can’t wait until September when they film there!!!! I’m definitely gonna try to be there to see them film this. Can’t wait for the movie to come out onto the big screen!! 😀 Time to get my Voyage of the Dawn Treader book off the bookshelf and read it again.
Looks cool! I’m going to have to head over and have a peek at the set. Live about 10 minutes away.
If you see anything cool, be sure to report back! We want any spy reports we can get!
This is awesome!!! The Dawn Treader is actually coming together! Just from the few glimpses that I’ve seen from the pictures, it looks like it will be a fantastic ship! How will I be able to wait until the movie is finished?! Although, I guess I don’t mind them taking their time, as long as they do a good job. Sail on!
More pieces of the ship have arrived. It is going to be huge when it is put together. We are going down every couple of days to see if there is anything new. My kids (and me) are getting very excited seeing it all come together. Cant wait for filming to start.
That’s awesome. I’m so excited to see the ship all come together.
Looks awesome!! I can’t wait for the movie to come out. 😀
that is really cool! i love the detail so much!!!!!!!!! ahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!