Skandar Keynes, Dawn Treader Cast Head to Australia

With filming coming up, the cast is now heading to Australia to begin filming the next great adventure based on the Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Many of the crew have already been making their way to the sets there, as creature designer and make-up artist Howard Berger found his way there last week. And now Skandar Keynes has found his way to Australia for filming. He’ll be reprising his role as Edmund Pevensie in the film, wish starts shooting next week, potentially.

According to his website: The AS Level exams finished, then school ended last week and all in a flash Skandar found himself on the plane to Australia where he will be filming Voyage of The Dawn Treader over the summer vacation and beyond. He is so excited to be a part of the next Narnia adventure.

This is very exciting news, and we cannot wait to learn what we can of the cast members and see some pictures from the set. Everything seems to be coming together really quickly now, and it should be filming in no time. I’m guessing that this means that Will Poulter and Georgie Henley have also made their way to the set, as they will share many scenes with Skandar, at the beginning and end of the film. For the cast and crew, both, it means the next year and a half is going to be a whirlwind of Dawn Treader publicity on top of the filming.


  1. AWESOME!!! Filming to start next week?! This is great! I remember that one of the first thoughts I had after seeing ‘The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe’ was: “I hope they make the other six books!” Now, ‘Prince Caspian’ is already a year old, and ‘The Voyage of the Dawn Treader’ is about to begin filming! We’re well on our way through the Narnia adventures!

    My family just finished watching ‘Prince Caspian’. It’s a great movie. I hope VDT is as good!

  2. This is great. From now on I, along with other dedicated Narnia fans, will just have to dream about what the outcome will be. I waited a year for Prince Caspian, and I will do it again! It’s gonna be a thrill to see in theatres!!

  3. What do you mean by “Georgie Henley and Will Poulter will share many scenes with Skandar, at the beginning and end of the film”? I read the books and apparently Edmund and Lucy are of course going to be in many scenes together as they are brother and sister. Any updates about that?


    i told my sister he was in Aus, and she screamed!

  5. whut?? filming in australia? so voyage of the dawn treader will be there? exiting!!!!…

  6. It’s still sad that none has actually SEEN Skander Keynes on set. If he’s there why has nobody seen him?????

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